The following is a vision that God has placed on our hearts for the future of our church. We are actively pursuing this vision as we step into the future God has revealed for us.
To be a vibrant intergenerational group of Jesus-followers who are a light in our local community and seek to fulfil the great commission - to make disciples of all nations.
A church community with sustainable numbers of all generations, in which people are proactively growing in their love and discipleship of Jesus. The dis-churched, new believers and those looking for a spiritual home are attracted by the love and welcome of its people. This church desires, above all, to win people for Christ, and readily welcomes change so that it stays relevant to the world around it. It throws away “religion” and is dynamic, energised and flexible in the way it approaches its relationship with, and worship of Jesus.
Presentation of the gospel is consistent in quality and relevant to the times – it aims to reach the furthest person, and looks first to the needs of those outside. Use of new music and technology is incorporated, and times of testimonies, sharing of experiences and learning from one another are integrated with regular reflections on God’s word. There is room for the Holy Spirit to act, both during times of music worship and times of open prayer. People are encouraged and taught to pray both for and with each other. Prayer for healing with expectation is offered in faith. Humility is taught and the congregation is led in regular confession and repentance.
It is a place where spiritual gifts are recognised and encouraged, and individuals are empowered to use their gifts to serve the body – it does not rely solely on its pastor for revelation, teaching and leadership. Volunteers are valued and cared for, and additional programs and community engagement are born out of an overflow of volunteers’ time, energy and talents. This church community has a keen awareness of social justice and contributes generously to both local and overseas missions. It is interested in the mission activities of its people and looks for opportunities to come alongside and support them both physically, prayerfully and financially. A church community with a thriving children’s ministry in which parents and mentors enthusiastically participate. There is a fun and safe outdoor play space dedicated to young children where participation of community groups is welcomed. Vibrant youth & young adults groups are run by effective leaders with a heart for young people in the local area – they have strong connections to other Christian groups to enable our youth to make valuable social connections & relationships. Within this church are meaningful, authentic relationships both within and across generations. Opportunities for peer accountability are encouraged, and hospitality is regularly practiced in homes. Everyone feels known, loved and cared for.